Trevor Noah, the renowned comedian and former host of ‘The Daily Show,’ is not one to rest on his laurels. Following his departure from the iconic late-night show in December, Noah embarked on a global stand-up tour, aptly named ‘Off the Record Tour.’ This tour not only marks a new chapter in his career but also forms the basis of his latest Netflix special, set to premiere on the platform on December 19, as announced exclusively by The Hollywood Reporter.
Titled ‘Where Was I,’ the hour-long special is a compilation of Noah’s humorous observations and experiences gathered during his recent travels. The special, which was filmed at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, promises to offer a blend of comedy and cultural commentary, ranging from amusing takes on foreign national anthems to the diverse cultural norms he encountered.
This special is directed by David Paul Meyer and represents Noah’s fourth collaboration with Netflix, following his previous successful specials ‘I Wish You Would,’ ‘Son of Patricia,’ and ‘Afraid of the Dark.’
Trevor Noah Announces Upcoming Netflix Special
In ‘Where Was I,’ Noah serves as the executive producer alongside a talented team including Sanaz Yamin, Bob Bain, Norman Aladjem, and Derek Van Pelt. This project is a testament to Noah’s versatility and his ability to weave comedy with insightful observations about the world.
In addition to his Netflix special, Noah has also ventured into the podcasting world with his new Spotify podcast, ‘What Now? With Trevor Noah.’ The podcast has quickly gained popularity, reaching the number one spot on Spotify charts in the U.S. and other regions. His first episode featured The Rock, and the second episode brought in Kerry Washington. Noah’s podcast aims to cover a wide range of topics and guests, from scientists and CEOs to athletes and politicians, reflecting his curiosity and diverse interests.
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Despite the demanding schedule of ‘The Daily Show,’ which required him to be in New York City four days a week, Noah consistently toured during his tenure. His journey from performing in theaters to filling arenas underscores his status as one of the most successful comics in the industry. His decision to leave ‘The Daily Show’ was influenced by his desire to explore more of the world, learn new languages, and engage with diverse audiences through his shows.
Trevor Noah’s journey post-‘The Daily Show’ highlights his multifaceted talent and his commitment to connecting with audiences worldwide through different mediums. Whether it’s through his stand-up specials, his podcast, or his live performances, Noah continues to entertain and engage with his unique brand of humor and insightful commentary.